Do you think that you are absolutely prepared for the driving test? Well, that’s a good sign indeed. However, even the pros end up making mistakes during the driving test-driven by overconfidence.
So, the first rule for you to make sure that you do not make silly mistakes and lose your chance of getting the driving license on your first shot is – don’t be overconfident!
As you have completed the driving lessons in Melbourne with optimum diligence and sincerity, we don’t want you to lose your chance of winning over the driving test under any condition at all. So, here is the guide. We are pointing out the common mistakes people tend to make during the driving test.
Reason 1: Ignoring the Mirror
The most common mistake that people usually make during their driving test is not focusing on the mirror at all. The examiners want you to pay attention to the mirror whenever you are taking any tight turn or changing the lanes.
Well, it may seem to you that keeping your eyes on the mirror will not make any great deal of difference but, eventually, it will make a difference for the examiner.
Reason 2: Not Staying Swift During Your Move in Junctions
For most of the new drivers, the most stressful zone of driving is the junction. Frequently, most of the drivers face a certain level of a nervous breakdown in such situations. And, out of nervousness, they take the wrong step.
We, being the most reliable yet affordable driving school in Melbourne, certainly don’t want to make the same mistake under any condition. When there is a critical junction on your way, take enough time to assess it and then make your move.
The examiner will consider it as a smart move instead. If you are unable to get any visibility of the road lying ahead of the junction, take enough time to get in there. It will undoubtedly be appreciated.
Reason 3: Taking the Wrong Turn
Just like the junctions, the first time drivers feel the same sort of nerve-wracking situation while taking a turn on the road. First of all, the way where you will be giving your driving test is not new to you as our instructors who gave you the affordable driving lessons in Melbourne will certainly take you there for a few rounds of the practice session.
So, the thing is, when you already know the loopholes, when you already know the twists and turns of the road, there is a minimal chance of making any mistake at all. When you already know what is coming ahead of you, don’t let the opportunity of taking a smooth turn and impressing your examiner slip away from your hands.
Academy Of Driving Excellence is ready to prepare you for your first driving test. We will make sure that you can get over the challenges of driving test without fail by getting your lessons from us. Visit and contact us to get all the information about enrolment to the school.