Do you know how many people have been booked and faced legal issues when they drink and drive? You might not. As per the latest report, drunk driving is the most common factor in over 10% of traffic fatalities in Australia1. Approximately 20 per cent of drivers who loses their life on the road every year have a BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) over the legal limit of 0.05. In short, drinking and driving is a serious offence for which you may find yourself in prison. Even the expert instructors who offer the best driving school in Malvern ask the learners not to drink and drive no matter what the situation is.
Now the thing is that even though people know that it is a serious crime that can be a life-threatening situation still, most of them hardly care. However, you should not make such mistakes unless and until you want to face legal problems or lose your life. If you are thinking about how many hours you can drive your vehicle after consuming alcohol, then there are a few important things that you first need to understand. If you want to get the best idea about it, then you should check out the points that are mentioned below.
Legal Drink Driving Limit
The legal drinking driving limit for those who have a full licence. Maximum Blood Alcohol Content is 0.05%. For provisional licence holders, bus and taxi drivers, and drivers operating automobiles over 15 tonnes. You will get more information about this at the time of getting your lesson from expert instructors of a renowned driving school in St Kilda.
Important Things You Need to Know
There are two different kinds of drinking and driving offences. The first one is exceeding the Driving Under the Influence (DUI), and the second is Prescribed Concentration of Alcohol (PCA). The second on which is PCA is a very common form of offence. Such cases are registered during routine police checking and breathing test. Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is the inability to control a vehicle.
Now if you are thinking about how long you can drive after drinking, then there are many different factors that determine your Blood Alcohol Content. Not only this but how fast the alcohol goes down in your body also matters.
Learning everything about driving and the way you should drive to avoid facing any kind of problem is only possible if you are successful in enrolling in the best Driving school for your driving lessons in Malvern.
Academy Of Driving Excellence is the best driving school. We have professionally trained and well-experienced driving instructors who have been helping learners to enhance their driving skills for years. So if you want to learn the best art of driving and looking for expert instructors at an esteemed driving school in Malvern, then you have come to your destination. To book an appointment with our specialists for further discussion, you just need to give us a call. We will clear all your doubts and explain everything so that you don’t have to waste your time thinking.